Radio Station Center AM 1503 kHz

Slavic listeners of all countries, Stay in touch!
(Joint venture project between Radio Center in Moscow, RCRC & our local partners)

   A quarter of a century ago, many of our fellow countrymen began to tune their radios to shortwave in order to receive necessary information. In the Soviet Union, they listened to so-called Western Enemy Voices in order to find out what was going on in the world, especially, in their own homeland. Meanwhile, in Western Europe and in North, South and Central America, our countrymen listened to Radio Moscow, which was broadcasted from the Soviet Union. Often it so happened that the different sides of The Iron Curtain listened to the same radio stations and, primarily, the voices that carried The Good News. Christian radio stations broadcasted the same programs into many different places, using shortwave. Shortwave had originally been made in order to reach a very wide audience, at one time tens of millions of people.

   Time passed. Broadcasts using shortwave continued but their audience rapidly grew smaller after The Iron Curtain fell. Listeners turned their radios to local AM and FM frequencies because when the censure was lifted, the most fresh and relevant news began to be prepared and broadcast in real time from the place where the events were actually occurring. Local Christian radio stations began to appear as well, which attempted to provide quality broadcasting to as many listeners as possible, but they were not always successful. With the advent of the Internet and new technologies in the field of broadcasting, has increased dramatically the background industrial noise, which became hinder your favorite radio broadcasts on conventional radio waves. Then a new incredible tool for radio broadcasting was created Broadcasting Online, but not everyone was ready for it. The Broadcasting Online works in the same way as any shortwave radio but it is listened to by nearly all countries at the same time, rather than by a local audience only.

   Over the past few years, The Russian Christian Radio Center has been working on new programs with a Christian perspective which would be equally interesting to various Slavic audiences in different countries. The goal of the project is: To gather the best Christian programs in Russian, Ukrainian and Special English. Those programs must unite listeners from various countries like a Bridge of friendship, love and mutual understanding. Using this bridge you can virtually go from one end of the country to the other. Christians can use share their problems, their experiences, their hopes and dreams, using phone calls, SMS, Skype and other modern forms of communication. For example, listeners from Ukraine could ask questions of an American radio host and Israeli listeners. Our dream has begun to come true. Already for a year now, the Russian Christian Radio Center has been working within itself and a month ago we began a test broadcast open to everyone. This project received the name, Slavic listeners of all countries, unite!

   Right now, our station offers Christian and socially important programs for families (Family radio) children's programs, educational, news (Back to God Ministries International by Pastor Sergey Sosedkin and journalist Sergey Khudiev from Russia) Simple truths (Interdenominational Christian program) the Orthodox program Logos, Peace with You (Christian program of Igor Pustynovich) Radio Beth Shalom of Rev. Andrey Nekrasov (Bridge between Christians and Jews) and also some English programming: Open Forum, Family Bible Reading, etc. Our goal is to constantly fill our station with the most interesting and best Christian programming. We invite everyone to help us unite the Slavic listeners of various countries. Our station is available from any place on the planet from every computer, iPhone or iPad through the website Our station is also partly available on local stations in Russia and Ukraine (Moscow AM1503), the USA, Eastern Pennsylvania , Southern New Jersey, Philadelphia AM1540, Chicago (AM1330), Ontario (Canada) , Ohio , Virginia , Northern Carolina (Cleveland AM1220), Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA.

 Slavic listeners of all countries, Stay in touch!

 (Russian Christian Radio Center' Very Special Press - Release)